Polling staff training

2024 Legislative Council elections




Face-2-Face training


Polling Managers + 2ICs + Dec Officers + Information Officers -
You are expected to complete the eLearning and read all of the manuals listed below before attending face-to-face training.

Polling Officers -
You are expected to complete the brief eLearning package and read your manual. This will help prepare you for polling day. Your polling manager will also conduct some face-to-face training before the polls open.


Scroll down to find the role you are undertaking for this election, and follow the links to your eLearning package(s) and your manual(s)

How do you log into eLearning?   It's simple - just use your preferred email address when prompted!

Polling Officers

2IC +
Polling Manager

Polling Day
2IC +
Dec Officers +
Polling Manager


The following videos have been developed by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission as part of the training package for polling place managers. They are incorporated in the eLearning packages, and presented here so that they are accessible on mobile devices for reference during polling day.

To get the most out of these videos, be sure to play them in full screen mode (look for this icon ) with the volume turned up.

A Day in the Life of a Polling Manager Return

This 'Day in the Life' video tells the story of a polling day, from the perspective of the Polling Manager Return.
The video begins with an overview of the new Polling Manager Return folder and moves into a more detailed look at the important actions that occur on polling day, and where and how to record these.

Polling place training videos

To get the most out of these videos, be sure to play them in full screen mode (look for this icon ) with the volume turned up.

  • Packaging for Legislative Council elections

    This video builds a detailed picture of some best practices in packaging election materials. Some key things to consider when packaging are:

    • How packaging affects processes after polling day;
    • Transparency and security considerations.

  • Using the Ballot Box Seals for the Cardboard ballot boxes

    A quick demonstration of how to correctly use plastic seals when sealing and unsealing a cardboard ballot box.

  • Assembling the Vinyl Ballot Box

    This quick 'how-to' gives you a few tips for assembling the vinyl ballot boxes for Mobile and Pre-poll polling.

    Netbook how to videos

    To get the most out of these videos, be sure to play them in full screen mode (look for this icon ) with the volume turned up.

    Troubleshooting videos

    To get the most out of these videos, be sure to play them in full screen mode (look for this icon ) with the volume turned up.

    VI-Vote system how to videos

    A new series of videos recently developed for Polling Managers who have a VI-Vote system allocated to their polling place.

    To get the most out of these videos, be sure to play them in full screen mode (look for this icon ) with the volume turned up.