Local government elections

Tasman Council by-election

A compulsory by-election by postal ballot is currently underway to fill a vacancy on the Tasman Council, following the resignation of Councillor Jim Sharman.

Flinders Council recount (Rhodes)

A recount is required to fill a councillor vacancy on the Flinders Council, created by the resignation of Councillor Peter Rhodes on 3 February 2025.

The TEC will write to candidates not elected at the 2022 Flinders Council election, inviting them to participate. The period of consent closes at 12 noon on Monday 17 February 2025.

As ballot papers for the ordinary election of councillors have been data entered, a computer calculated result will be available not long after the close.

Dorset Council recounts

Two recounts are required to fill councillor vacancies on the Dorset Council, created by the resignations of Councillor Jerrod Nichols on 23 January and Councillor Dale Jessup on 24 January 2025.

The TEC has written to candidates not elected at the 2022 Dorset Council election, inviting them to participate. The period of consent closes at 12 noon on Tuesday 11 February 2025.

As ballot papers for the ordinary election of councillors have been data entered, computer calculated results will be available not long after the close.

TEC media release, Friday 31 January 2025  

Three additional recounts are required to fill vacancies created by the resignation of Councillors Anna Coxen (4 February), Beth Donoghue (5 February), and Leonie Stein (6 February 2025).

The TEC will write to candidates on 12 February and the period of consent will close at 12 noon on Thursday 20 February 2025. A result will be available shortly after.

All recounts will be conducted in the order resignations were received.

TEC media release, Thursday 6 February 2025  

Meander Valley Council recount (White)

A recount was conducted to fill a councillor vacancy on the Meander Valley Council, created by the resignation of Councillor Deborah White on 13 January 2025.

The TEC wrote to candidates not elected at the 2022 Meander Valley Council election, inviting them to participate. The period of consent closed at 12 noon on Tuesday 28 January 2025.

As ballot papers for the ordinary election of councillors had been data entered, a computer calculated result was available not long after the close.

Christine Cronshaw has been elected to serve as councillor until the 2026 ordinary elections. An abstract of the recount can be viewed here.


By-elections and recounts held to fill local government vacancies.

2022 Local government elections

Elections, conducted by postal ballot, were held to fill councillor, mayor and deputy mayor positions for all 29 local councils statewide.

Voting is now compulsory in local government elections.

Who can vote at a local government election?

Anyone who is enrolled on the State Roll for an address in a municipal area, is automatically enrolled for the municipal area as well.

Other people who own or occupy land in the municipal area, or are the nominated representatives of a corporate body which owns or occupies land in the municipal area, are also eligible to enrol, but must lodge an application with the General Manager.

Graphic of local government areas map

Local government is the third tier of government in Tasmania.

Tasmania is divided into 29 municipal areas, with each area having a governing council consisting of between 7 and 12 councillors. Each council is chaired by a mayor and has a deputy mayor.

Elections for Tasmania's 29 councils are conducted by full postal ballot every four years. The next Local Government elections are due to be held during September and October 2026.

Map of Tasmania's local government areas

A statewide map displaying the boundaries of the 29 Local Government municipal areas.

Local government election reports

Results and information about Tasmanian local government elections, dating back to 1994.

About voting at local government elections

Uniquely, Tasmanian Local Government elections are conducted by postal ballot - election material (including the ballot paper) is personally mailed directly to each elector.

Elector polls

A council may hold an elector poll on any issue it determines. It may also be required to hold an elector poll following a process requiring petitions signed by at least 5% or 1,000 of the electors in the municipal area. A council is not bound by the result of an elector poll.

Elector polls conducted by the TEC since the 2018 ordinary elections: